Zantac Cancer Lawyers of HLF

A Division of The Hurwitz Law Firm PC · Digestive Cancer Attorneys

Zantac lawyers file digestive cancer lawsuit settlement claims.

Zantac lawyers file cancer lawsuit settlement claims.
Welcome to The Hurwitz Law Firm PC, a pharmaceutical litigation practice.

Zantac Lawsuit Attorneys for Cancer Claims

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Time is Running Out!

Our Zantac lawyers represent antacid patients diagnosed with certain cancers.  Zantac lawsuits claim the drug manufacturer Sanofi failed to warn of risks of digestive cancer.

As such, Zantac patients diagnosed with specific cancers may be eligible to claim a cash settlement.

  • Stomach / Gastric Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Rectal Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer

Our team of attorneys have represented thousands of victims of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.  In doing so, we have recovered millions of dollars in settlement funds on their behalf.

However, we only pursue Zantac compensation from the drug manufacturers and their affiliates, and do not file claims against our clients’ doctors or hospitals.

No Legal Fee Unless You Obtain a Settlement

While compensation may be available to qualified Zantac claimants, victims are urged to act promptly.  The #1 claim a Zantac victim can make for cancer compensation is one that is filed within the Statute of Limitations time period.  Click here for the latest information on the Zantac multi-district litigation. 

Our Zantac cancer lawyers are available to review claims now.  We offer a free case evaluation to confirm usage of Zantac and diagnosis of a qualified cancer.  Further, we never charge a legal fee unless a financial recovery is obtained for our client.

Contact our Zantac lawyers today.

Zantac Lawsuits to Claim Cancer Settlement

Zantac lawyers have steered a significant legal battle involving Zantac (ranitidine), a popular over-the-counter and prescription medication used to treat heartburn and other gastrointestinal conditions.

Zantac lawsuits allege long-term use is linked to a variety of digestive cancers.  Class action style lawsuits claim Zantac manufacturer Sanofi failed to warn patients about these associated risks.  Accordingly, the courts have seen a surge in settlement claims filed by Zantac patients diagnosed with such cancers.

Zantac Cancer Lawyer Cites Scientific Research & Reports

The controversy surrounding Zantac primarily revolves around the presence of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen.  Zantac stomach cancer lawyers cite studies indicating that NDMA can form from ranitidine under certain conditions, including during the digestive process.  The levels of NDMA found in some ranitidine products have raised significant concerns, as prolonged exposure to high levels of this compound has been linked to an increased risk of gastric cancer and other digestive tract cancers.

Valisure’s 2019 Testing Connects Zantac Use to Esophageal Cancer

Zantac esophageal cancer lawsuits rely on a 2019 study conducted by the online pharmacy Valisure.  The comprehensive testing performed by Valisure on various ranitidine products delivered alarming results.  Valisure detected extremely high levels of NDMA in every ranitidine product tested, including Zantac, far exceeding the FDA’s acceptable daily intake.  They immediately alerted the FDA and requested a recall of ranitidine products.  Valisure’s report started a wave of settlement claims across the U.S. by lawyers seeking compensation for esophageal cancer, bladder cancer, and more.

FDA’s Statement on NDMA Liver Cancer & Action on Zantac

Following Valisure’s report, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted its own investigation.  In April 2020, the FDA announced that it found unacceptable levels of NDMA in several ranitidine products and requested the immediate removal of these products from the market.  Zantac liver cancer lawyers claim these elevated NDMA levels explain antacid patients’ illness.  Further, the FDA’s report underscores numerous other potential health risks associated with long-term exposure to NDMA.  Click here to view the FDA removal warning.

Sloan Kettering Study Links Zantac to Bladder & Stomach Cancer

Researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center conducted a study published in 2020, examining the link between ranitidine use and cancer.  They found a statistically significant association between prolonged ranitidine use and an increased risk of bladder and stomach cancers.  This study provided compelling evidence for Zantac bladder & stomach cancer lawsuits as to the potential carcinogenic effects of ranitidine when used over a long period.

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Classifies Pancreatic Cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, classified NDMA as a probable human carcinogen based on studies that showed an increased risk of cancer in animals exposed to NDMA.  Zantac pancreatic cancer lawyers claim this research supports lawsuit settlements.  The IARC’s classification has added to the concerns about ranitidine’s safety globally, given the high levels of NDMA found in Zantac.

Regulatory Response in U.S. Supports Zantac Cancer Victims

The findings from these major studies and reports have led to a significant reevaluation of Zantac’s safety, culminating in its removal from the market.  Patients who have used Zantac for extended periods should consult with healthcare providers to discuss alternative treatments and assess any potential health risks.  If a cancer diagnosis is received, antacid patients can consult with a Zantac lawyer about filing a settlement claim.

Zantac Cancer Lawsuit Allegations

The legal claims against Zantac manufacturers focus on several key allegations:

  • Failure to Warn: Zantac plaintiffs claim that the manufacturers knew or should have known about the risk of NDMA formation and its carcinogenic potential but failed to adequately warn consumers and healthcare providers.
  • Negligence in Manufacturing: Some Zantac lawsuits claim that the process used to manufacture ranitidine resulted in the formation of NDMA and cancer, accusing the manufacturers of negligence for not using safer alternatives.
  • Misrepresentation of Safety: Zantac lawyers also claim that the manufacturers misrepresented the drug’s safety, marketing it as a safe medication without disclosing the risks of NDMA-associated cancer.

Types of Cancer Linked to Zantac

National lawsuits have brought attention to the potential link between Zantac and several types of cancer:

  • Gastric Cancer: Given ranitidine’s use in treating stomach conditions, the alleged link to stomach cancer is particularly concerning.  Lawyers argue that the NDMA in Zantac can cause mutations leading to gastric cancer.
  • Esophageal Cancer: Esophageal cancer claims focus on the proximity of the esophagus to the stomach, suggesting that exposure to NDMA from ranitidine could increase the risk of cancer in this area.
  • Liver Cancer: The liver’s role in metabolizing substances can make it vulnerable to carcinogens like NDMA, leading to lawsuit claims that Zantac use is linked to an increased risk of liver cancer.
  • Bladder Cancer: NDMA is excreted through the urine, raising concerns that it could cause bladder cancer in individuals using Zantac.
  • Pancreatic Cancer: Pancreatic cancer is also claimed by plaintiffs alleging that NDMA exposure from Zantac use could contribute to its development.

Additional Cancers Linked to Zantac

  • Lung Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer

Time is Running Out!

Call our Zantac settlement lawyers now!

Call our Zantac cancer lawyers now.